Sussex County Arts & Heritage Council Gallery
133 Spring St. | Newton, NJ 07860 | (973) 383 - 0027
Open Hours: Tuesday to Friday: 10AM to 5PM | Saturday: 12PM to 5PM
OR by Appointment
Donate to the SCAHC The SCAHC is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your generous support of the SCAHC. To learn more about what we do, check out our "About us" page. Donations of any size make a difference. |
Check out our Programs! The SCAHC offers a variety of programs to help foster the arts in Sussex County and keep them affordable to all its residents. Our member’s enjoy excusive benefits, and we participate in New Jersey’s Families First Discovery Pass Program to provide families enrolled in state assistance programs with affordable access to the arts in New Jersey. Our Arts Regrant Program helps support over twenty different arts and history |
Veteran Prices In honor of our Veterans and their spouses, for their service to our country, we offer discounted prices. Veteran Member Price: $15.00 |